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/ Money in the 90s / Money in the 90s - Windows (Laser Resources, Inc.)(1994).iso / pictures / ye91c42b.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-23  |  158KB  |  613x309  |  8-bit (248 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | reckoner | sky | window
OCR: THE MONTH'S BEST-PERFORMING MONEY-MARKET FUNDS laeompoundyiel Averape Five-year Mini Ranked by latest yleld Oct mE dars uri imeshu Telephome TAXABLE Niget Money Market Portfol 60 $1,000 800 992 3863 2 Olde PrenTumMM Series 6.0 5.000 800-225-3663 3 Dreyfu Woridwidn Dollar 5.8 2.500 800-782 -6520 4 Boston Co Cash Management 1.000 800-225.5267 Fidellty Spartan MY 20,000 800 544-8883 U.S.GOVERNMENTISSUES Uned Sei Govermment Securitlen F0 1.000 800-873- -8637 Counsellors Cash Reserves ,000 801-888-6878 Dreyfus 100%U.S Treasury 2,500 800-782-6620 PrudentialGov. Sicuritins/U.S.Treasurfa 1.000 500-225-1852 Merrl Lynch U.S Treasury 5.5 5,000 500. 221-7210 TAX-EXEMPT Strong inicipal 2.500 368-3863 CalvertTar-Free Ruere 2.500 8710-890-008 Fidelity Soartan Mani 5.5 20.00 800-544-8888 Evarareon Ta-Exem ...